Sitemap - 2020 - Collective Lit

Happy New(sletter) Year! + Sit & Write #75

Caramel phone + S&W #74

Mini-newsletter, featuring: Sit & Write #73

Cooking up something special + Sit & Write #72

Sit & Write + SO MANY learning opportunities!


Teeny tiny newsletter + Sit & Write #70

Chipping away at the mountain

GOOD PIE + Sit & Write #68

Out of the frying pan into the fire + Sit & Write #67

"Hell Is Other People" + Sit & Write #66

Getting baked + Sit & Write #65

7 months

I wrote something + Sit & Write #63

Sit & Write #62 + Pottery?!

This week's literary happenings!

It's not December!

Home again + Sit & Write #60 (featuring: vacation photos!)

Top notch newsletter! Write-ins, classes, readings.


Correction: Hippocampus Magazine link

Events + Opportunities + S&W #56.5-57


Sit & Write #55 + classes and opportunities

Reminder: Today @ 4:00pm ET

Literary event roundup + good advice from Charlie Jane Anders

A fresh start!

Online events, calls for submissions, and Sit & Write #52

Literary opportunities, galore!

Sit & Write #50!!!

Pandemic Dreams + The Great Coincidence

Sit & Write #49

CORRECTION: S&W day change

Tiny update!

Consider this!

One week, two Sit & Writes! + Class recommendations

Sit & Write collab. with Blue Stoop + I did not get crushed by a giant tree branch!

Literary event roundup!

Sit & Write #43 and other ~fabulous~ online events

A confession + this week's Sit & Write

In pursuit of "normal" + Sit & Write #41

This week on the lit-ernet + Sit & Write #40

Online readings + Sit & Write #39

Sit & Write #38 + quarantine check-in

Sit & Write #37 - still online, still useful!

Virus-free newsletter

Sit & Write - Relocating to the INTERNET

Going viral!

The conclusion of Therapy Quest 2020 + Sit & Write #34

Sit & Write #33: Now, world-famous!

Spa day! + Sit & Write #32

Mascot love + Sit & Write #31

It's international "Take your mother-in-law to the gay bar" day!

Another day, another therapist + Sit & Write #30

Life, Death, and Google Maps + Sit & Write #29

A Good Life in a world of Bad News + Sit & Write #28

New year, new-sletter